Kamiskotia AGM
When: Nov. 21, 2020, 5:30pm
Where: Kamiskotia Snow Resort OR Via Zoom
Agenda to follow closer to event
Call for Nominations
The Kamiskotia Snow Resort (KSR) Board of Directors is seeking (3) skilled leaders and
innovators in the local community that want to have a role in shaping the future of Kamiskotia
Snow Resort and its operations. If you are passionate about outdoor recreation and would like to contribute your expertise and time to serve on the KSR board, please consider this opportunity.
Bylaw Review
Please note that an important topic at this year's AGM will be the review and acceptance of our revised Bylaw document. All proposed changes are available for your review in advance of the meeting above (By Law Review Package).
The most significant changes to the bylaws are the Board term limits:
Directors may serve a maximum of three (3) two (2) year term limits;
Term limits are suspended to allow for a director line of succession subject to :
First-vice Chair
Chair; and
Past Chair
Those who wish to attend in person may do so following standard social distancing protocol. Those who wish to attend virtually will have the ability to do so via Zoom following the listed details below:
Topic: Kamiskotia AGM
Time: Nov 21, 2020 05:30 PM America/Toronto
Join Zoom Meeting
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